Show up early, dress to impress, and wear your best smile — all good advice for a job interview. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to show the organization you hope to work for what you’re made of, and why you’re the ideal candidate for the job. So take to heart the standard suggestions, and then follow these additional pointers to make a great impression and land the job of your dreams.
Be Prepared
Visit the company’s website to research their profile and background. You’ll impress the interviewer with your company knowledge and enhance your image as a good long-term investment. Be ready to talk in depth about what the company does and what your role there would be. If the company has
a mission statement posted on their website, try to hit some of the key points in your interview.
- Before the big day, learn the name and position of the person who will be interviewing you.
- If possible, talk to employees who already work there. Do a search on LinkedIn for the company’s employees and see if any of your connections can introduce you to someone already on staff.
- In addition to checking out its website, use information gathered from annual reports or online articles to learn as much as you can about the company.
Do a Dress Rehearsal
Ask a friend to help you practice. Dress in the outfit you intend to wear to the interview and videotape the “audition” to see how you come across both in appearance and demeanor. Pull some sample interview questions from the internet and have your friend act as the interviewer. You’ll probably be asked questions you haven’t practiced for, but there will most likely be one or two in there you have. Watch your video and listen to yourself carefully. Do you say “like” a lot; do you come across as personable and knowledgeable? If you’re not happy with your performance, try again. Practice really does make perfect.
Make a Great Impression
From the minute you enter the front door, treat everyone you meet with respect. Let people see you as a well-mannered, informed and confident person they would love to have on board. Above all,
be yourself. Don’t try to be the person you think they want you to be. Remember that you were called in based on a resume and/or phone call, so you’re already ahead of the game.
During the interview, make sure to mention anyone you know who already works at the company, especially if they would act as a great reference. It will also help you build a rapport with the interviewer and help them remember you after the interview is over.
Final Tip
A job interview can be a bit nerve-wracking, especially if you’re new to the process. At
Incendia, we have
a simple tip for nervous job candidates — one we believe will help you present your best self, keep you relaxed and confident, and land you the ideal job.